The smallest thing in Go

The smallest thing in Go

What is the smallest thing in Go? Well, I’m glad you asked!

iota and enums

We often define constants in Go to enumerate a list of possible values that something could take (sometimes called an “enum” for short). For example, suppose we’re writing an astronomy program, and we want to be able to distinguish between different kinds of night-sky objects:

const (
    Planet = 0
    Star   = 1
    Comet  = 2
    Galaxy = 3
    // ...and so on

The specific numbers 0, 1, 2… aren’t important here. They’re just arbitrary values we can compare things against:

if object.Kind == Planet {
    // it's a planet!

Using iota with const

It’s hard to maintain a long list of numbers like this by hand, though. That’s where iota comes in. It’s a kind of magical, ever-increasing value we can use to assign arbitrary numbers to constants:

const (
    Planet = iota // 0
    Star          // 1
    Comet         // 2
    Galaxy        // 3
    // ...

We’re effectively assigning iota to every constant in the list, but Go lets us omit all but the first “= iota”. Very handy!

Starting iota at 1

And we can use iota in more complicated expressions, too. For example, if we want the successive values to start at 1 instead of 0:

const (
    January = iota+1
    // ...

Here, the value of January will be 1, February will be 2, and so on.

iota skips comments

By the way, you can put comments or blank lines in your constant block, and it won’t affect the values of iota:

const (
    // fermions
    Electron = iota // 0
    Neutron         // 1
    Proton          // 2

    // bosons
    Photon          // 3
    Gluon           // 4

iota, flags, and bitmasks

Another common use for iota is creating values for bitmasks. A bitmask is something you can compare against a binary number to see if a particular bit in that number is 1 or 0. When particular bit values are used in this way, they’re sometimes called flags, and the number containing them is called a bitfield (well, well).

For example:

const (
    Bit0 = 1 << iota // 1
    Bit1             // 2
    Bit2             // 4
    // ...

The << operator shifts the bits of a number to the left by the given number of places. Since iota increases by one for each successive constant, that means the shift factor increases by one too, so the values assigned to the constants keep on doubling.

Now we can do a bitwise comparison of these mask values against some number we’re interested in:

v := 0b00000010
if v&Bit1 != 0 {
    fmt.Println("Looks like bit 1 is set!")
// Output:
// Looks like bit 1 is set!

Now you know all about iota in Go! Have fun with it.


Want to learn more? Check out my book introducing Go to beginners, For the Love of Go.

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