Cryptography in Go: AES implementation

Cryptography in Go: AES implementation

You are not expected to understand this.
—Comment in Unix kernel source, quoted in “Lions’ Commentary on Unix”

This is the second in a three-part series about cryptography in Go using the AES cipher.

  1. AES explained
  2. AES implementation
  3. AES encryption (coming soon)

In the previous post, we talked about how AES works, at a functional level. Essentially, it uses a key to obscure the plaintext using both confusion (substituting one byte for another) and diffusion (shuffling bytes around within a block).

My book Explore Go: Cryptography will give you a thorough understanding of the principles of cryptography, as well as how real ciphers like AES work under the hood, and what makes them so secure. In this excerpt from the book, we’ll dig into an implementation of AES and show that it’s not really that scary.

I do, however, recommend that you have some strengthening coffee on standby, just in case, and perhaps some chocolate biscuits to support your blood sugar levels.

We saw in Part 1 that the specific scheme used by the Rijndael cipher at the heart of AES is complicated in principle, but in practice it can be easily implemented using pre-generated lookup tables.

Let’s prove that point now by taking a look at the AES encryption function in the Go standard library, in the crypto/aes package. It’s only a few dozen lines, so we’ll cover the whole function in detail. (The decryption function is pretty much the same idea, but just in reverse gear, if you see what I mean.)

Implementing AES

When you actually use AES encryption in a Go program (which we’ll see how to do in the next post), the compiler will almost certainly be able to take advantage of the hardware-accelerated AES instructions provided by your CPU. Your generated executable, then, will use one of the various architecture-specific assembly language AES implementations provided in the standard library.

These are fast, but not necessarily easy to read or understand. Go code would be better for this, and fortunately, a pure-Go implementation is also provided, for architectures that don’t have support for on-chip AES operations. You’ll find it in the block.go file in the crypto/aes package, if you want to follow along at home.

Let’s take a look.

Getting ready to rumble

Here’s the beginning of the encryptBlockGo function:

// Encrypt one block from src into dst, using the expanded key xk.
func encryptBlockGo(xk []uint32, dst, src []byte) {
    _ = src[15] // early bounds check
    s0 := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[0:4])
    s1 := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[4:8])
    s2 := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[8:12])
    s3 := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[12:16])


This is the function that encrypts an individual block, or fixed-size chunk of the input. It takes a block’s worth of plaintext bytes (src), and enciphers it into the destination block (dst), using the set of expanded round keys xk.

Since AES blocks should be 16 bytes in size, the first thing we do is a quick sanity check: we reference src[15]. If src is too short, this will panic, which was bound to happen sooner or later anyway—we’re just getting it out of the way without wasting any further computation.

Then, we extract each of the four 4-byte columns of our grid, s0 through s3, from the source block. These will be modified by the various rounds as we go along. For convenience, we’re dealing with each 4-byte chunk as a single Go uint32 value.

Ding ding, round one

We’re now ready to start the first round, which as you may recall from Part 1, consists only of AddRoundKey:

    // First round just XORs input with key.
    s0 ^= xk[0]
    s1 ^= xk[1]
    s2 ^= xk[2]
    s3 ^= xk[3]


Recall that xk contains the set of round keys that was expanded from the original key. Each round key is 128 bits, or 16 bytes, so it takes up four uint32 elements in the xk slice. In other words, the first four elements of xk are the first round key.

The XOR operation is represented in Go by ^, so this code updates each chunk of data by XORing its bits with the corresponding bits of the round key.

The diffusion loop

Next, since all the remaining rounds but the last will be the same, we can do them in a loop. But the number of rounds varies depending on the key size being used, so we first do a calculation based on the size of xk:

    // Middle rounds shuffle using tables.
    // Number of rounds is set by length of expanded key.
    nr := len(xk)/4 - 2 // - 2: one above, one more below


In other words, since each group of 4 elements of xk represents a single round key, we can find out how many rounds there are in total by dividing the length of xk by 4. Since the first and last rounds are special, we won’t include them in this loop, hence the need to subtract 2.

Here’s the loop, then:

    k := 4
    var t0, t1, t2, t3 uint32
    for r := 0; r < nr; r++ {
        t0 = xk[k+0] ^ te0[uint8(s0>>24)] ^ te1[uint8(s1>>16)] 
            ^ te2[uint8(s2>>8)] ^ te3[uint8(s3)]
        t1 = xk[k+1] ^ te0[uint8(s1>>24)] ^ te1[uint8(s2>>16)] 
            ^ te2[uint8(s3>>8)] ^ te3[uint8(s0)]
        t2 = xk[k+2] ^ te0[uint8(s2>>24)] ^ te1[uint8(s3>>16)] 
            ^ te2[uint8(s0>>8)] ^ te3[uint8(s1)]
        t3 = xk[k+3] ^ te0[uint8(s3>>24)] ^ te1[uint8(s0>>16)] 
            ^ te2[uint8(s1>>8)] ^ te3[uint8(s2)]
        k += 4
        s0, s1, s2, s3 = t0, t1, t2, t3


Yes, it’s a little dense, but it’s written for efficiency, not readability. It combines SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and AddRoundKey in a single operation, on each of our four chunks s0 through s3.

We implement SubBytes by replacing each data byte by its corresponding byte in the pre-generated lookup tables te0 through te3. By careful adjustment of indexes and some bit-shifting, we also implement ShiftRows and MixColumns. Finally, we XOR each of the resulting chunks with its corresponding part of the round key.

Fortunately, you don’t need to understand every detail here to get the general idea: it’s a bunch of lookups and bit-shifts. Indeed, we could have written out each of the round steps separately, to make it clearer what’s happening at each stage, but the standard library authors understandably aren’t concerned with that.

The last round

Here’s the last round:

    // Last round uses s-box directly and XORs to produce output.
    s0 = uint32(sbox0[t0>>24])<<24 | uint32(sbox0[t1>>16&0xff])<<16 
        | uint32(sbox0[t2>>8&0xff])<<8 | uint32(sbox0[t3&0xff])
    s1 = uint32(sbox0[t1>>24])<<24 | uint32(sbox0[t2>>16&0xff])<<16 
        | uint32(sbox0[t3>>8&0xff])<<8 | uint32(sbox0[t0&0xff])
    s2 = uint32(sbox0[t2>>24])<<24 | uint32(sbox0[t3>>16&0xff])<<16 
        | uint32(sbox0[t0>>8&0xff])<<8 | uint32(sbox0[t1&0xff])
    s3 = uint32(sbox0[t3>>24])<<24 | uint32(sbox0[t0>>16&0xff])<<16 
        | uint32(sbox0[t1>>8&0xff])<<8 | uint32(sbox0[t2&0xff])

    s0 ^= xk[k+0]
    s1 ^= xk[k+1]
    s2 ^= xk[k+2]
    s3 ^= xk[k+3]


In the middle rounds, the S-box substitutions were already factored in to the pre-generated lookup tables which also included the effect of MixColumns. Here, since we’re skipping the MixColumns step, we can refer directly to the sbox0 table, which is just a constant.

Having thoroughly munged our data chunks s0 through s3, we finally write them back to the output block dst:

    _ = dst[15] // early bounds check
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(dst[0:4], s0)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(dst[4:8], s1)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(dst[8:12], s2)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(dst[12:16], s3)


Again, we check that dst is long enough before writing the enciphered block to it. So, that’s it: the core of AES in just 45 lines of Go (if you don’t count the constant lookup tables). Not bad!

Some of those actual lines do make your head hurt a bit, especially if you haven’t had enough coffee, but that’s okay. You don’t need to write this code, only to enjoy it as a miniature work of art.

Or, to put it another way, you are not expected to understand this. It’s just interesting. There’s a whole book’s worth of equally nerd-friendly brain-candy waiting for you in Explore Go: Cryptography, if you like this sort of thing.

Using AES to encrypt stuff in Go programs is a lot easier than understanding the implementation, of course. In fact, it’s remarkably easy. In the next post, we’ll do just that. Stay tuned.

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